Anemone Bouquet
Anemone Bouquet
Four week subscription runs from early to late April. Delicate and ephemeral, these loose and airy blooms are some of the most unique and eye-catching flowers we grow. Catch some spring fever with these beauties!
See Details Below
Subscription Details:
All start dates are weather dependent (Mother Nature is boss!)
All subscriptions last four weeks, one bouquet per week
Bouquets available on Tuesdays
Delivery to your home will be around 6:00am
Delivery to your place of work will be between business hours
Pick up will be on Tuesdays at the Farm or one of these locations (choose one):
Dream Farm Flower at 3118 N Hawthorne, Boise
Flying M Coffee House at 500 W Idaho Street, Boise
Fort Builder CoWork and Social Space - Downtown 217 S 11th
West Boise location TBD
East Boise location TBD
Bench location TBD
If you are unable to receive or pick up your bouquet during your subscription, with enough notice we will deliver it to a friend (if you have delivery service) or you can have a friend pick it up for you if you’ve chosen the pick-up option.