Weekly Bouquets

Subscribe to a summer of beauty. Each week, for 16 weeks, you’ll receive a farm-fresh bouquet, from the long days of June through the amazing autumn of September. Click here to see how it works:

  • Starting in June, Dream Farmers will  deliver your bouquet to your home or business with a Boise zip code. If you’re not in our delivery area, you can pick up flowers at our farm in northwest Boise--not a bad option as you’ll be treated to the dreamy beauty of our farm and you might even be able to buy organic eggs if you’re interested.

  • Flowers will be delivered on either Monday or Friday (your choice) and farm pickups can be made on Wednesday.

  • If for some reason you’re unable to receive your bouquet (perhaps on business in Boston or backpacking in the Idaho Wilderness), you can either gift your bouquet to a friend or to one of our local nonprofit partners.