Weekly Bouquets
Subscribe to a summer of beauty. Each week, for 16 weeks, you’ll receive a farm-fresh bouquet, from the long days of June through the amazing autumn of September. Click here to see how it works:
Starting in June, Dream Farmers will deliver your bouquet to your home or business with a Boise zip code. If you’re not in our delivery area, you can pick up flowers at our farm in northwest Boise--not a bad option as you’ll be treated to the dreamy beauty of our farm and you might even be able to buy organic eggs if you’re interested.
Flowers will be delivered on either Monday or Friday (your choice) and farm pickups can be made on Wednesday.
If for some reason you’re unable to receive your bouquet (perhaps on business in Boston or backpacking in the Idaho Wilderness), you can either gift your bouquet to a friend or to one of our local nonprofit partners.